Terms and Conditions

Agreement and Risk Release

1.- Voluntary Participation: I voluntarily accept the responsibility of piloting or driving a Kart in the Skusa Mexico event, stating my full capacity to grant this consent.
2.- Activity Risk: I acknowledge and am familiar with the risks, damages, dangers, and hazards associated with piloting or driving a Kart in an event organized by Skusa Mexico, as well as participating in practices, races, championships, clinics, courses, and other activities organized by Skusa Mexico. I assume that I will take part in a dangerous and high-risk activity. I voluntarily participate in any of these activities with full awareness of the dangers involved and accept each and every one of the risks that arise from them, including the possibility of death, and I verify this statement by signing this document.
3.- Training and Ability: I affirm and assure that I am in perfect physical and mental condition, not affected by any illness or disorder, and that I also have the necessary capabilities, skills, experience, expertise, and/or adequate training. Additionally, I possess the required licenses, accident insurance, civil liability insurance, or certifications and permits.
4.- Conditions for the Use of Facilities: I am aware of the rules and regulations governing my participation in the Skusa Mexico event, which are displayed at the event and on the website, and I have read a full copy of them. I accept them with full knowledge of their content and sign them at the bottom. Likewise, I submit to the decisions of the event staff to cancel or suspend my participation in the activity for any cause or circumstance that may arise.
5.- Prudence and Responsibility: I commit to taking the necessary precautions to avoid causing harm to myself or others, including people and property, as a result of my participation in the events organized by Skusa Mexico. I am fully aware of the risks involved, which is why I agree to sign the accident report if necessary.
6.- Preservation of the Facilities: I commit to maintaining the circuit facilities in perfect condition and to stopping and notifying the Skusa Mexico Track staff of any damage, anomaly, and/or alteration in the facilities that may pose a danger and/or cause harm to myself and/or any other user.
7.- Strictly Personal Use: I acknowledge that this document is personal and non-transferable, and it is strictly prohibited to transfer the registration assigned to me to any other person inside the Skusa Mexico event, including the outer perimeter of the event.
8.- Prohibition of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs: If I show symptoms of being under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or narcotic substances, for my own safety and that of other drivers, users, and/or event staff at Skusa Mexico, I may be denied access to the track. If I disagree, I will be required to undergo an alcohol and/or drug detection test. Additionally, Skusa Mexico reserves the right to request that I leave the karting facility or event venue, as it is private property, and to notify the municipal, state, or federal authorities.
9.- Assumption of Liability: I commit to assuming and holding Skusa Mexico harmless from all liability arising from and/or resulting from unforeseen circumstances and/or my failure to comply with the regulations and/or any reckless, negligent, or intentional acts on my part, or from any accident causing personal injury to myself.
10.- Liability Waiver: On behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, and/or legal representatives, I hereby release and discharge the Skusa Mexico event, its Partners, Directors, Management, Administrators, Employees, Agents, Representatives, Suppliers, and Clients present at the facilities (hereinafter referred to as "released parties") from any and all claims, demands, actions, obligations, or liabilities of any kind, for property damage or personal injury, including death (hereinafter referred to as "claims") that I, as a USER, may incur due to my actions or participation in Skusa Mexico activities. I also agree not to file claims against and to indemnify the released parties for all claims arising from my participation in activities at the Skusa Mexico event.
11.- Scope of Liability Release: I acknowledge and understand that the aforementioned waivers and releases are as broad as permitted by applicable laws and that if any part is deemed invalid, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect.
12.- Non-compliance and Activity Cancellation: Failure to comply with the general rules for using the circuit or track and/or the commitments assumed in this declaration entitles the organization to suspend and/or permanently cancel my participation in the activities of the Skusa Mexico event without the right to a refund of any amounts paid for each event. Depending on the severity of the violations or situations caused, Skusa Mexico reserves the right to refuse future admission to its events.
13.- Minor Drivers: As a parent, guardian, or legal representative of a minor, I agree and authorize their participation in events and/or in the driving of a Go-Kart at the Skusa Mexico event. I understand that they must enter restricted and high-risk areas (defined as the race track, pit lane, and paddock). Additionally, I agree that the use of safety equipment is mandatory to participate in a Skusa Mexico event. I am aware of the risks and dangers of driving, and I have personally instructed the minor on the potential damages or accidents that may occur during practice, races, or within the facilities. I understand that the minimum age to race is four years old and that staff may suspend the race and prohibit further participation if the minor is deemed at risk for any reason. I accept that the minor may pilot or drive a kart and participate in practices, races, championships, clinics, courses, and other activities organized by Skusa Mexico, knowing that driving a Go-Kart and participating in these activities entails risks and potential damages that may cause permanent injuries or even death. I fully assume the responsibility for any incident, damage, loss, or harm affecting the minor. In this manner, I release Skusa Mexico, its partners, operational staff, administrative staff, and other representatives from any liability for any eventuality that may occur.
Skusa Mexico reserves the right of admission.